5.10. Ecological Hairspray With Vitamin E Nourishing hair spray with argan oil and vitamin E, 250 ml
Product reference: 8034063520658

5.10. Ecological Hairspray With Vitamin E Nourishing hair spray with argan oil and vitamin E, 250 ml

Product reference: 8034063520658
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Natural hairspray, enriched with argan oil and vitamin E, strengthens the hairstyle and emphasizes the hairstyle. The varnish creates a protective film that protects the hair from the effects of moisture and keeps it fluffy and light. Does not weigh down the hair.

Argan oil provides hair with the necessary hydration and nourishment, while vitamin E provides a lipid film and ensures natural shine. Fixation and protection in one. The varnish does not leave any residue in the hair, so it can be reused several times a day. It is easily removed by combing the hair with a brush.

Professional product without silicones, parabens, mineral oils, DEA, SLS.


Spray the varnish at a distance of 30 cm and fix in the desired style well Used on dry hair.

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