2 din radio frame for Ford Fiesta (ja8) 10/ 2008 - 2013 with factory display, silver
Product reference: 613944957512

2 din radio frame for Ford Fiesta (ja8) 10/ 2008 - 2013 with factory display, silver

Product reference: 613944957512
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High quality of workmanship - 2 DIN radio frame for Ford Fiesta. The 2 DIN radio frame for Ford Fiesta is useful when modifying car audio. The presented item was made precisely to fit into the vehicle's cockpit without any problems. It is worth adding that the frame is available in silver. Simple assembly and guaranteed durability. The Ford Fiesta 2 DIN radio frame is solidly made, and the highest quality raw materials were used for its production. Assembling the item is very simple, you don't need any specialized tools. The new frame will serve you for a long time, without losing its color and properties. Innovative equipment for your carWe offer much more than just 2 DIN radio frames for Ford Fiesta. Thanks to us, you can install new multimedia devices, sound systems, accessories, or fully soundproof the body in your vehicle. We are a professional store where you will find a comprehensive range of audio-video products! The 2-DIN radio frame allows you to replace the factory radio with a universal one. Masks the gaps between the cockpit and the car radio. Internal dimensions of the frame: 98 x 173 mm Version: 2 DIN Color: silver Car brand and model: Ford Fiesta (JA8) 10/2008 - 01/2013 (only for vehicles with a multi-function display) Note When changing the frame, a light switch symbol according to the Ford catalog is required: 1519127 Not suitable for facelift models!
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