1.1. Volumizing Shampoo With Citrus Fruits Shampoo for oily hair, 250ml
Product reference: 8034063520009

1.1. Volumizing Shampoo With Citrus Fruits Shampoo for oily hair, 250ml

Product reference: 8034063520009
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Volumizing, with citrus fruits.

Natural volumizing shampoo for thin and prone to oily hair. Its base consists of cleansing plant ingredients that gently cleanse the hair and scalp. The essential oils, citrus, oranges and bergamots in the composition give the hair a feeling of fluffiness, freshness, and shine.

CHOOSE IFhair roots get greasy quickly and the tips are thin and dry.

Main advantages:

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  • Gives volume;
  • Reduces scalp greasiness;
  • Gives hair a feeling of lightness .


Distribute evenly on wet hair, gently massage. Rinse with water. Repeat if necessary.

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